My thoughts on... Vincent and The Doctor
Well, this is me. I'm back for one very special review. Today, I will be sharing my thoughts on the greatest Doctor Who Historical of all time, Vincent and The Doctor. So starting off, One thing this episode does so well (not the monster or the artwork) is the portrayal of Vincent's mental health. This is clear throughout the episode and I think having the sense of the monster does distract way from this but in a good way. It shows how mentally disturbed Vincent is and I think that how The Doctor tries to help him is so brilliant and is something The Doctor maybe hasn't done before. Other aspects of the episode is that Vincent is not a fan of his work himself and doubts his ability, not knowing how recognisable he will become. Also, other parts of this episode I found enjoyable were the locations as they represented the time period so well and the artwork was spot on. And now, to one of the greatest scenes in the history of Doctor Who; The Gallery Scene. This is so poignant as it has no words in the scene, just The Doctor showing Vincent how much his work means to people which never fails to bring a tear to my eye. A perfect example of what Doctor Who is about: Kindness. So the, that's today's one off review over. I will see you soon for another possible review and until then, be kind.
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