My thoughts on... Amy's Choice

My thoughts on... Amy's Choice

Now then, onto one of the most underrated episodes of Series 5 (yes, I said it.) Amy's Choice. I have seen that many people have different views on this episode, some good and some bad. My opinion on it is that it is a very good episode. So, let's start off today's review: Many of the things I like about the episode is The Dream Lord. He was such an amazing villain as I really enjoyed the concept of him being a reflection of The Doctor, even though we only discover this until the episode ends; it's a nice twist. Amy and Rory are also a very intriguing part of this episode. I feel that this episode gives us an idea about what their life is like without The Doctor and the fact that they have to choose between worlds is a very important part of the episode as Amy has to decide for a world without Rory or a world with The Doctor in The TARDIS. As well as having a very emotional feel to it, it also introduces the amazing old people aliens. I'm calling them that because we didn't find out their names. I remember being quite scared of them when watching this episode as they add the essential fear factor to the episode which is what Doctor Who relies on. Finally, the ending of this episode is very nice as it shows The Doctor, Amy and Rory going off into Time and Space again which was a lovely end to a very underrated episode.


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