Who Fan Site Reviews: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 1: Rose
Rating: 9.5/10
For my first review, I have decided to review the Series 1 opener episode Rose. With Rose, the story is basically setting the scene for the brand new revival with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper, respectively. I think it really brings back the Autons in a great way, showing that Classic Who monsters and villains can return. And of course later in the series we have Daleks, a brief Cyberman cameo and even Gallifrey getting a mention. Russell T Davies writing in this episode is of course phenomenal; introducing the audience to all of the new characters that they would spend their Sarurday nights with. In the recent rewatch of Rose, I finally started to appreciate the episode more... thinking to myself: 'What an opener!' At first, I wasn't a big fan of Rose as I thought she was a bit to human for Doctor Who but as the series went on I started to like her character a bit more. In my opinion, the first scene in this episode is one of the greatest scenes in all of Doctor Who. I found It really started this new era off really well and I felt excited to see what was in store. Finally, my overall opinion on this episode is that it is a fantastic opener episode and one of my favourite Who episodes.
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