Now then, onto a slightly late review of Robert Shearman's Dalek. The episode starts off very well; with The Doctor and Rose in an alien artefacts museum. Some unexpected cameos from a Slitheen's arm and a Cyberman's head were unexpected but quite nice. We also get to see a cameo of Bad Wolf on the aeroplane flying over the sort of Military base, we then lead on to a shot of Henry Van Statten with his team, with this one shot I can already tell he's going to be a good, exciting character. I really liked the scene in Van Statten's office where the two collectors, The Doctor and Van Statten meets, Rose's line about the testosterone was extremely funny and never fails to get a laugh out of me. But then, when Van Statten mentions his 'Metaltron' we all know what's coming. One of the more dramatic scenes in the episode, full of tension; was when The Doctor went face to face with the Dalek for the first time in the revival series. Eccleston really showed The Doctor's rage and fear when he saw The Dalek and what the Dalek might do if released. Moving on swifly, Adam and Rose's small romance felt really cheesy and was unneeded in an episode that should have been focused on The Doctor and The Dalek. Then when Rose touches the Dalek, it goes on a complete rampage and attempts to kill all of the people inside the building which really unleashed the Dalek's true nature. The Doctor looked so scared when he realised The Dalek was after Adam and Rose and made the silly decision of shutting the gate. I found it a real shame that Adam didn't even try and get Rose through the shutting door and left her there, foreshadowing Doomsday really (sorry about that). Obviously, The Doctor isn't too happy about this so quite rightly so goes off on one with Adam and just drops him off home with no fuss. Personally, I thought The Doctor would just leave Adam there but the fact he took him with him was being pretty fair to Adam but sadly Adam only stays for one adventure. Shame really. 


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