Who Fan Site Reviews: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 5: World War Three


Rating: 9.5/10

Now onto the second part of quite a strong Doctor Who Story. Here's what I think: It started off really well by revising the cliffhanger we ended on in the episode beforehand, showing viewers that The Slitheen really will do anything to kill The Doctor. I then really enjoyed the chase throughout Downing Street, ending with The Doctor cleverly entering the lift to escape. It cut to different perspectives of the characters: i.e. Mickey, Jackie. The Slitheen were also very good shapeshifters in this episode; at one point I didn't even realise the Policeman was a Slitheen. I think it also showed the consequences of travelling- when The Doctor says "I could do this, but I'd lose you." Jackie being on the phone also made it harder to watch. When they eventually blew up Downing Street, their hiding spot was very clever (in the cupboard). Now then, the weak points of the episode: Like last time, The Slitheen being too comedic and there were also far too many characters to focused on. The ending was nice as Harriet Jones got to escape and later become Prime Minister. One of the funniest quotes of the episode: "My Mums cooking." with The Doctor replying: "Good, put her on a slow heat and let her simmer." Classic Doctor Who Joke! Then the episode ended with Rose going off with The Doctor to see a Dalek for the first time. A great story.


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