Who Fan Site Reviews: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 3: The Unquiet Dead


Rating: 8.5/10

Now onto the first historical episode of Nu-Who, The Unquiet Dead. I actually really enjoyed this episode because it had a great scary, eerie feel to it with the Gelth. Also, I think this episode did really well sort of introducing Russell T Davies' Torchwood with Gwen Cooper (or Gwyneth) in this episode, who would later appear in hit Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood. Charles Dickens was portrayed marvellously by the brilliant Simon Callow, really showing Charles Dickens full life story. I also remember being really scared by the old lady Gelth and the scene when she smashes the Coffin lid open and escapes was really chilling. By now though, I have looked back at this episode and noted that there were a few flaws: The lack of Rose and The Doctor exploring Victorian Cardiff was not present but I think that when they met Charles Dickens, it really changed the way of the story and I really enjoyed the scene where The Doctor is 'fanboying' over Charles Dickens because It showed The Doctor's love for historical characters and times. In other aspects, The Doctor and Rose's relationship was shown brilliantly in this episode. From them arm in arm going round Cardiff or The Doctor grinning seeing what Rose was wearing (basically Ninerose was at it's strongest point in this episode). Now to the end scene, I really did cry when I saw the scene where The Doctor says to Rose ''He still dies next year.'' I think this scene show the positives and the negatives of time travel and it's also important to show that fixed points in time stay the same no matter what. A brilliant episode, definitely one of my favourites.


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