
Showing posts from October, 2020

Who Fan Site Reviews: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 2: The End of The World

     WHO FAN SITE REVIEWS: SERIES 1 EPISODE 2: THE END OF THE WORLD Rating: 8/10 Now then, onto one of the best episodes of Series 1; The End of The World. In my opinion, The End of The World really sets off the 9th Doctor and Rose Tyler's adventures really well. I am a huge fan of the introduction of climate change in the episode and how it portrays the concept of the Earth burning. Although, I did think the episode was a bit over cramped with all of the new aliens they tried to introduce in this episode as I felt that if they had left it later we would have been able to have a proper introduction to all of the aliens that the 9th Doctor and Rose will later meet across their travels. I also really liked the introduction of 2000s 'pop culture' in this episode with songs such as 'Tainted Love and 'Toxic' playing throughout. With Cassandra O' Brien, I felt she was quite boring and unneeded in the episode. I think the choice of bringing her back in New Earth wa...

Who Fan Site Reviews: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 1: Rose

  WHO FAN SITE REVIEWS: SERIES 1 EPISODE 1: ROSE! Rating: 9.5/10 For my first review, I have decided to review the Series 1 opener episode Rose. With Rose, the story is basically setting the scene for the brand new revival with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper, respectively. I think it really brings back the Autons in a great way, showing that Classic Who monsters and villains can return. And of course later in the series we have Daleks, a brief Cyberman cameo and even Gallifrey getting a mention. Russell T Davies writing in this episode is of course phenomenal; introducing the audience to all of the new characters that they would spend their Sarurday nights with. In the recent rewatch of Rose, I finally started to appreciate the episode more... thinking to myself: 'What an opener!' At first, I wasn't a big fan of Rose as I thought she was a bit to human for Doctor Who but as the series went on I started to like her character a bit more. In my opinion, the first scene...

9 Years Since The Sarah Jane Adventures Ended

 9 YEARS SINCE THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES ENDED:  As you know, today marks 9 years since the Sarah Jane Adventures commenced. This show was many peoples childhoods and I would like to remember the show with this post. Part of what made the show so special, was Lis Sladen's energy and positivity about the show. She always acted the best way she could and was a role model for children at the time. I remember watching the show at the time and being devastated about the ending of the show. SJA introduced so many new characters and aliens to the franchise of Doctor Who, as well as making Doctor Who sort of child friendly in a way. Russell T Davies writing for this show was absolutely brilliant and he really gave Sarah Jane the ending she deserved. Even though the show may have ended, it lives on in our hearts and so does Lis.